Titanium is a show in which flamenco, hip hop and break dance meet and fuse, dance styles wich were born in the street as a way of expression for people who had the need to communicate themselves through improvised movements, music and aesthetichs which were creating a new and own style.
Nowadays flamenco is considered a universal and ancestral art, a world heritage art, which offers Spanish artists the possibility of showing and transmitting our culture around the world. Flamenco has been fed by reminiscenses from other cultures and styles to reach the place it has today. Thatʼs why we think research must go on to make this innovation and development process.
Taking into account the wide range of styles and urban cultural trends that have been born during the last decades, we have confirmed hip hop is an art with its own identity that has become an overwhelming reality. Hip hop artistsʼ commitment and personality have led the style to grow into one of the most successful ways of expression, both for a popular and commercial audience.
Undoubtedly we think that for ROJAS & RODRÍGUEZ together with Titanium creative team, itʼs time to offer flamenco and hip hop the chance to merge, giving life to an essential show where great movement and music artisans, specialized in each style, will gather and pour all of their creativity and experience.